Interior Design

I have worked as an Interior Designer for over 25 years covering areas from domestic interior, furniture, commercial retail, leisure, office and exhibition design in a number of London based Design Consultants.

Interior services we offer

Designing the interior and specifying finishes for a new build or refurbishment can often seem daunting. The earlier things such as electrical, lighting, kitchen and bathroom layouts are considered the easier it is to obtain accurate costings from builders and it is essential to getting services installed in the correct locations.

We can help as much or as little is required covering areas such as:

  • Review of your interior layout and advise options for improving it. Including circulation and making the most of natural light and views whilst using PassivHaus principals.
  • Electrical layouts for lighting, switches and power sockets
  • Design of kitchens and bathrooms including specification of finishes and sanitaryware
  • Bespoke furniture and storage solutions
  • Advise on home automation systems